Sunday, September 29, 2013

Play with Me not with PC

By Andrei Mazilu, Scoala Gimnaziala “Sfintii Constantin si Elena”, Bucuresti, ROMANIA

     Nowadays, computers have almost become man's best friends. Either adults or children, we daily spend a lot of time in front of our PCs doing our homeworks, researches or playing computer games. Although I am one of these kids addicted to computer games, I strongly disagree with this…Spending all your free time while playing computer games instead of going outside and playing real games with flesh and blood people, has many disadvantages.
     First of all, it's not healthy. It can damage your eyes. Your sight becomes less clear and you might need to wear glasses. Sitting most of the time on an uncomfortable chair can affect you and transform you in an overweight person.
     Secondly, spending your time indoors without any contact to the reality outside, can transform you in a weird person with no friends or social life.
     For most of us computer games are so attractive because they open in front of your eyes a fascinating world where you have magic powers and enough strength to be the greatest hero of the world. But you do have to realize that this is far   away from reality. So, why don't we all pack our computers, put them into boxes and leave them there for a month. Does it seem almost impossible?
     Just try to imagine that you and your classmates are the only survivors on a desert island. There are no computers. So, you have to come up with other activities such as: reading, playing cards, chess, hide and seek, etc. You can play football, basketball, tennis or chose any other sports. Outdoor games and sports are a source of real fun and they are also good for your health. They are competitive and can transform you in a real hero. Moreover, I bet no one will die of boredom.

     In conclusion, I think we should start  spending less time indoors with our PCs, tablets or mobile phones and get outside to play with our friends. There, with the help of our unlimited imagination, we can move the virtual reality into the real one.